Tela Coral Board Members:

Juli Berwald, Ph.D. received her doctorate in ocean science for her work on satellite imagery of the oceans. She is now a science writer whose work has been featured in National Geographic, Smithsonian, Texas Monthly, American Scholar, Science, and Nature, among others. Her first book about jellyfish, Spineless, brought her back to the sea and her second book about coral, Life on the Rocks, led her to Tela.

Heather Kuhlken is the Executive Director of Families in Nature and co-chair of #NatureForAll United States, as a Commissioner for Education and Communication with the IUCN. She is the author of the forthcoming book, Adventures in Ecology: A Guidebook to Inspire Environmental Literacy, Outdoor Exploration, and Nature Connection for All with more than 1,100 hands-on, science-based lessons for people of all ages as well as a nature photographer.

Tiffany T.V. Duong is a writer, explorer, and inspirational speaker. With degrees from from UCLA and University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School , she is also a trained climate reality leader with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. In addition to lecturing at the University of Miami Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and writing for the Keys Weekly Newspaper group, she is part of a prizewinning team that developed a virtual reality game, Found in the Fjords, about Arctic ecosystems and orca whales.

Tela Coral Partners & Collaborators:

Antal Borcsok and Alejandrina Thompson were among the first to dive in Tela and recognize the rich ecosystem of the bay. They established the Tela as the first Honduran Marine Protected Area and built the aquarium through which thousands of people discover the rare underwater biodiversity just steps from the beach.

Senyacen Ramirez is a biologist working at the Telamarine aquarium to monitor and study the reef. She received her bachelor’s degree from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras.

Tristen Bloxsom, a dedicated ocean enthusiast, photographer, and web developer, earned her Masters in Marketing Communications from Texas Tech University. As a passionate volunteer for ocean conservation, she built the original Tela Coral website, merging her skills with her commitment to the ocean. Tristen recently moved to Curacao to pursue a career as a dive master and instructor.